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Workshop: Maestro™ Hosting

Sat. 05. October 2024
10:30 Uhr
in German language

Maestro™-hosting with Nadine Antler

How do I host a performance without becoming a solo act? How do I set a charming tone so that the audience feels at home and part of the whole show? How do I lead through a Maestro™ Impro show, so that there are no energy holes, there is as much time as possible for scenes and everyone always knows exactly what is going on?

Nadine Antler will answer these questions and guide the workshop participants in the hosting of a Maestro™ Impro-show according to Keith Johnstone. They learn how to set the right tone, the perfect balance between efficiency and being charming as well as working within a clear structure.

Previous experience in moderation or with the Maestro™-format is not necessary for participating in the workshop. The workshop also serves as an introduction or as training for anyone who is interested in becoming better facilitators.

with Nadine Antler
Saturday, 05th of October, 2024
10.30 – 12.30 and 1.00 – 3.00 pm (4 hours)

at Die Motte in Hamburg
Price: 65 euros